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And So It Begins...

January 2023. We launch. Like a rocket ship destined for failure, we defied the odds and arrived into orbit with only minor damage.
In order to celebrate our mostly smooth trajectory, we hosted a jam packed variety night. Joined by Alix Kuijpers, Luigi Donnarumma, and Grace Mezak, Kate, Hanna, and Caroline rocked our audience's worlds for three solid hours. With our typical bake sale and flair, we made enough money to pay the rent for a venue for Adelaide Fringe Festival, tech, marketing and costumes.

📸: Jean Bennett-Hol, Jazzy Williamson-Gray and Kunyi Wu in DÉJÀ VU, captured by @photosbyjamois

Wait, wait. Stop. Bring 'em in! Bring in the survivors!
I'm just kidding, our Fringe season pretty much went off without a hitch. Expertly performed by Kate Burgess, Caroline De Wan, Jean Bennett-Hol, Bridgette Mullamphy, Jazzy Williamson-Gray and Kunyi Wu, and choreographed by Hanna Instrell-Walker and the previously mentioned Kate Burgess. SOUL & DÉJÀ VU was Alchemy's first double bill, created straight out the gate like a charging bull. With a few sold out shows and a some newly found confidence, we started organising future plans.

📸: Jean Bennett-Hol in SOUL, captured by @photosbyjamois

Prompted by the wisdom of the community, we applied for the Helpmann Academy's Creative Innovator 2023 Program. Surprise! We got in. (Otherwise I probably wouldn't have mentioned it, hehe.)
Every few weeks we are taught how to run a business with the *creative* business angle stapled on tightly. It is one of the most useful things we've ever done and we highly recommend it. In September/October we'll make a pitch for our business and see how things go from there. Cross your fingers super tight, maybe even cross your toes too.
While we wittle away on our presentation skills, we wanted to stay extra busy and do something a lil' different.

📸: Alchemy Dance Collective by Jack Fenby

That's why we have Trilogy.
Trilogy Film Festival, coming up on the 25th and 26th of October will be a couple of gorgeous nights of films from artists around Australia. Springtime film festival, could you ask for more? Yes, yes you could. The artists presenting are coming from a range of backgrounds. We have dancers, we have filmmakers, we have musicians, the lot. I'll keep updating you on that one as it progresses, but we're so grateful for the artists that have trusted us so far with their precious works. We are also thankful for the support of Goodwood Theatre and Studios, the home of Trilogy Film Fest for 2023.

That's it from me for now! It won't be long until I'm back because we are BUSY.
Have the most wonderful day you sweetie pie.
Lots of love,
Caroline & the Alchemy Team. xx

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